Thank you for everything that you have done for me threw out the two years I've met you. You have taught me a lot of things threw out these years that I won't ever forget. You helped me ready for college when i didn't know how to start. I'm grateful for everything you've done for my peers and I. You've taught me how to become a better student at school and how to challenge myself to get better at things I couldn't or had a hard time doing them. I enjoyed being in your class I've had many fun memories being in your class from all the videos we've watched to all presenters we heard of. I enjoyed the field trips we went on over the years and exposed us to college and the different environments they had to offer. I learned what career i wanted to pursue in when I was bouncing around trying to find one I enjoy. Thank you for all the life lessons you have taught me and thank you for always being there for us when we needed your help. I wish i could stay another year in your class but sadly I have to continue my journey into college.
The first two picture I too where in the nature center I like them because of the vibrate colors they produce. I like the 3 one because it was one of the first ones I ever took and it showed me how to edit. The forth one is another favorite because i like how the sky looks like compared to the rest of the picture.